Welcome to Indiana State Roleplay

The best roleplays in all of ER:LC

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About Us

Indiana State Roleplay (also known as "ISRP") was founded on July 19, 2023 by @gamedeveloperdylan and co-founded by @onlynxt. Indiana State Roleplay has expanded rapidly since it was founded, reaching 300+ members in less than a month!
Fun fact: The founder (@gamedeveloperdylan) is actually from Indiana and is still living there to this day!


Indiana State Roleplay is always looking for new employees and department volunteers! Please click here for more information.

Data & Information

Indiana State Roleplay is constantly updating their information channels, which includes their rules and other necessities. This ensures that members can easily find things!

Respectful Community

The Indiana State Roleplay community is unlike any other. Not only is everyone polite, but they are also eager to show newcomers around the server! Outright, the roleplays are also outstanding.


Indiana State Roleplay is a lot bigger than some may think.




Support Members

Our Team

Due to the size of the staff team, only the Ownership Branch will be mentioned.






Co Owner

Future Employee
